
How did we come up with the calculation? Well, According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, we found an estimate of carbon emission of a person from their vehicle usage, electricity bills and recycling.
The calculation for average emission of a vehicle of X miles is:

X miles * (1 gallon / 21.6 miles) * (19.6 CO2 / 1 gallon)

The calculation for electricity for X amount of dollars is:

X dollars * (1 kWh / 0.1188 dollars) * ((factor varying by region) CO2 / kWh)

For waste, the estimate is about 692 lbs of CO2 per person.
When a person recycles metal, we can subtract 89.38 lbs, 34.56 lbs when they are recycling plastic. If they are recycling glass, subtract 25.39 lbs and if they are recycling paper, subtract 113.14 lbs. We hope you look at your numbers and continue to reduce carbon emission for the environment!

Let's begin with a simple question.
What is your zipcode?