Basic Info

Crime Map
Joel Ki – joelki (448565) –
Shane Blair – sblair (448740) – (Private)

Background and Motivation

  Our initial motivation was thinking back to how many crimes have occurred in our area recently. We live east of Kayaks, which has been a hotspot for many car thefts and burglaries recently. My roommates and I have been very worried about what to do about increasing crime, as WashU’s efforts to curb crime have seem to have no effect. This is understandable, as it is difficult to gather the resources necessary to properly fight crime in multiple locations. This is why we have decided to tackle the problem of dealing with crime around WashU, and we have come to the conclusion that, in order to combat this crime as students, the best thing that we can do is find ways to be safer. We can change our habits and behaviors easily, but there must be a way to know what behaviors are safer than others. This is where the visualization of data can come into play.
  WashU does not currently have any way to see much about the crimes that occur in the area. There are crime maps available to see the locations of crimes that occur, but these maps are not focused on WashU, instead they are general municipality crime zones. Further, these crime maps only allow the view of one aspect of crime: location. We believe that there is more to the patterns of crime than just location, and we hope that what we will have to present at the end of the semester for this project will allow users to better understand the patterns of crime in the WashU area by showcasing the data through interaction and discovery.

Project Objectives

We hope to answer the questions that follow:


Our data will be collected from WashU’s Daily Crime Log and Crime Alerts Archive:
Our data is now taken from the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department (SLMPD) website:

Data Processing

  Both of the sources above provide data in an HTML format. There is no ability to download the format as a CSV or JSON, so this means that we will have to scrape the data from the site and format it ourselves. We expect this to be a moderate task to complete, as both sites require user navigation to reach other portions of the data. We plan to scrape the raw data using Javascript/Python code or libraries, where available. Once we have the raw data, we will have to clean up the fields associated with time/date of the crime and the location of the crime. Currently, the provided locations are vague and not very useful, so we plan to use a geocoding service (like Google Maps API) in order to turn rough searches of street names into actual GPS coordinates. We expect that this will not be the most accurate, but it is the best that we can do given the inaccuracies of the data already present. We also hope to utilize crime descriptions in order to tokenize important words, like articles stolen, in order to categorize crimes. This data processing will also be done in Javascript/Python.

Visualization Design


Initial Design 1

Initial Design 2

Initial Design 3

Final Design

Must-Have Features

Core Features:
Optional Features:

Project Schedule

March 30:  Have data scraped from WashU sites and wrangled (date formatted, geocoded)

April 6:  Prototype 1 – Data visualized onto a map overlay with basic filtering functionality (time, region)

April 13:  Have statistical designs implemented, like region mapping and time scales for each region, along with general trend statistics for crime density and type density

April 20:  Prototype 2 – Integrate navigation between general trend statistics and mapping. Implement hovers for region statistics and more advanced filtering

April 27:  Sorting/filtering of crimes by description keywords, determine uniqueness of crime description keywords and allow filtering by that if possible

Milestone 1


Milestone 2


Note here about data: We noticed that certain types of crimes, specifically crimes of sexual nature, were being filtered out of our map completely. We attributed this to a decision made when parsing the data to throw out values that have coordinates entered as "(0, 0)". Looking back at our data, we noticed that most rape and sexual assault had an entered coordinate of (0, 0). This could be due to the fact that these types of crimes do not have a set location that can be reported in most cases, or maybe there is a law enforcement procedure in place to omit the recording of the location. There could be other crime types with this issue as well, and we plan to investigate before our final submission.

User Feedback

Questions we asked to users In class feedback:

Feedback from other users:


Data Analysis Other Takeaways/Questions Answered Visualization Evaluation and Moving Forward
