Process Book

for The USA Runs On Fast Food | Helen Ye, Sally Lee, Claire Pan

Overview and Motivation

When starting this final project, we were struggling with trying to find a data set that all three of us were interested in. We spend a long time searching the Kaggle website and finally found something that we all bonded over: fast food. However, we each had our own favorite fast food restaurants, and we were interested in seeing how the regions we were from affected our tastes (Claire is from the Midwest, while Sally and Helen are from the West Coast). We decided to investigate fast food restaurants in the USA to see the fast food differences in each city and state.

Related Work

Assignment 2, the studio that worked with GeoJSON, and the most recent studio on interactive maps all worked to inspire our final project. With Assignment 2, we saw that we could display a bunch of different statistics in fun ways, and combined with the GeoJSON map of the USA, we could accurately display the United States in a visualization. Finally, with the interactive maps studio, we learned about leaflet, which aided a lot in one screen of our design.


What are the most popular fast food restaurants in each state? Which fast food restaurants are universally loved by all 50 states? Which parts of the USA have the most fast food restaurants? How does the fast food industry differ based on location in the USA? Answering these questions will help people trying to enter the fast food industry to see which type of restaurants are popular in different parts of the USA. Additionally, our visualization will help those who are traveling and wish to see which fast food restaurants are present at their destinations. All in all, our project will help educate people on how much we consume fast food and how much fast food is present in our lives.


Our source of data is this data set from Kaggle. We downloaded the data set and sorted the fast food restaurants into a JSON object. The object consists of an array that contains 50 objects. Each object has two attributes: a name (which is the state name), and an array of objects (which is an array of the restaurants in that state). We can use this sorted JSON to count up the number of each restaurant in each state and display helpful visualizations that convey the breadth of fast food restaurants.

Exploratory Data Analysis

We initially liked the layout of the Assignment 2 Electoral Map and the bars above that showed different information about each election. However, we realized that it might take a bit more time to implement, so we just stuck with our map and bar charts for now.

Design Evolution

We originally had a few designs for our visualization. One was a hamburger with each topping being a fast food chain, but we thought that was too abstract to be done. Another one was a horizontal bar chart that had all the different popular fast food chains in the US, and clicking on a bar would allow you to see more statistics about the restaurant. However, we thought this idea was a little too simple. Our third design was the most similar to our final design, which was a map of the USA that you could zoom and drag around to navigate around the different states. We liked the interactive map, but we didn't know if the zoom and drag movements would be too complicated for users to figure out. Below are the three designs and the final design that we decided on.

First Design
Second Design
Third Design
Continuation of Third Design
Final Design

Following are some changes we made from our proposal's final design. Instead of drawing dots to represent each restaurant once the user clicks on a state, we chose to use Leaflet markers after learning about them from studio 10 since they already have nice aesthetics and popup labels. Instead of placing the map of the selected state on top of the statistics box where the bar graph (top 10 fast food chains of that state) will later be displayed, we chose to place them side by side so the user can see both components at once instead of scrolling multiple times to make comparisons.

Milestone 2: We decided to include a color scale in our US Map home page so that viewers can see the density of fast food restaurants in the USA by state. Additionally, we started including some CSS styling so that the web page feels more cohesive. We also implemented different colored markers that represent different kinds of fast food restaurants in the state. Our bar graph changed from the top 10 fast food restaurants in the state to the top 5 restaurants in the state, and we hope to add a hover feature for both the home page US map and the bar graph in the zoomed in state mode.

User Studies: During user studies, we realized that we did not make it clear to the user that the data set we used wasn't actually ALL of the restaurants in the USA. This was discovered when a user tried to find a McDonald's by in their hometown and couldn't find it. We resolved this by adding an explanation to the top of our main page to explain how our data set was a sample of a much larger one. Additionally, we added some zoom constraints so that users wouldn't feel inclined to try and find a specific restaurants. Another point was made when a user said they didn't understand why the markers in the zoomed in state were different color, so we made another note about that in the zoomed in state mode. One user also said that the back button for going back to the US map was hard to find, so we moved it into the stats box for easier clicking. Alvitta also mentioned that navigation would be easier if we moved the zoomed in state information to below the main map, but we were already in too deep with the separate page thing, so we just moved the button:

Our Relocated Button!

A super helpful piece of advice we received was about our color map -- before, we were using math and calculating the RGB of each state, but then one user showed us how to use D3's color scale (which we tried to do before, but had no luck with). Now, our scale is a lovely yellow to red, with yellow representing less restaurants in the state and red representing more restaurants in the state.

A better color scale

Finally, we received feedback from Alvitta that said that it was hard to determine which restaurant was the most popular in the USA, so we made a pie chart that shows the popularity of each restaurant.

Pie Chart!


Initial Map

Here is our initial map. Clicking on a state will take you to a leaflet map of the enlarged state and markers on the fast food restaurants of that state. On the right is the statistics box where the bar graph will later be included. Below, you can see the enlarged state view and the enlarged state view with markers.

Initial State
Initial State with Markers

The back button (circled in the screenshot below) between the enlarged map of the state and the statistics box redirects the user to the US map at the beginning.

Back Button

By Milestone 2, we added some CSS styling for the webpage. The styling includes the button styling as well as the color scheme we chose for the page which we wanted to reflect the colors of popular fast food chains in the US. We also added a color scale that indicates the state's amount of fast food restaurants. The brighter the color, the more restaurants that state has (we intend to add a legend for this color scale later). We also changed the pinpoints on the leaflet map so that each restaurant has the same type of pinpoint. Below you can see the button styling along with the US map with colors.

Color Scale Map
Back Button and Leaflet Points

In addition to the styling, we added a bar graph that contains the top 5 fast food restaurants in the chosen state. We counted how many of each fast food restaurant there were in the state then sorted and filtered the data to display the bar chart.

State Bar Graph

After user testing, we updated our color scale so that the colors were more aesthetically pleasing and easier to read when determining the density of the restaurants in each state. Additionally, we moved the back button so that users would find it more easily.

A better color scale Our Relocated Button!

Additionally, we added a pie chart to display the restaurants that were most popular by count. This was done so that people could determine which fast food restaurants were the most popular in the USA without having to however over and keep track of every state's favorite restaurant.

Pie Chart!


It confirmed some of our guesses: states with more densely packed markers, which indicates fast food restaurants, coincidentally are more well known and densely populated states. To answer our question on which fast food chain restaurant is most popular in each state, we are going to include a bar graph of the top 10 fast food chains, but we think coloring the markers to represent each chain could make the trend visibly noticeable.

As of now (Milestone 2), we have implemented the different colored markers for each fast food chain. This has allowed us to see the different chains in the state more clearly and see the more popular types of fast food restaurants by state. Hovering over each state shows us that the most frequent fast food chain in most US states is McDonald's.

From user evaluations, we realized that since our data set was a sample of a larger data set, it was hard to gauge the actual popularity of a fast food restaurant chain in a state. We were considering combining our data set with another one for each states' population to get the density of fast food restaurants per person, but we didn't know how to combine the two data sets.