Water: Everyone Needs It, but Who Has It?

In this visualization, we explore why some countries fail to unanimously supply their citizens with water. Furthermore, we seek answers to where progress has been recently made, and where others continue to struggle. The bar at the top of the page shows our progress on a global stage. The bar chart on the bottom-left of the page allows users to filter through countries, highlighting countries struggling the most. Finally, the scatter-plot in the bottom-right allows users to see how strong the correlation is between various geographic and socioeconomic factors and water access.

Our process Video walkthrough

Toggle between years here.

Proportion of World Population with Water

This bar chart illustrates the proportion of the world's population that has water access. Even in the last 20 years the world has made great progress! Try toggling between years to see the difference.

Water Access by Latitude and Tempurature

This bar chart illustrates the proportion of each country's population with water access by latitude and tempurature. Each bar represents one country and is positioned relative to the equator (represented here by the dashed line). Its width represents the proportion of its population with at least basic water access, and its color represents the average tempurature in the country (red is hot!). The slider allows you to hone in on countries struggling with water access. Try hovering over a bar for information on a specific country!

Average Tempurature in Country:

32 °F

82.922 °F

Water Access Correlation Plot

This scatter plot illustrates the correlation between a number of factors and water access, where each country is one data point. The x-axis is toggle-able by factor, and the y-axis is consistently the proportion of a country's population with at least basic water access. Try hovering over a point to see the country it represents!

Water Access Map

This map depicts water access by country. It's a very natural way of viewing the data. By hovering over a country, you can see its name, level of water access, and various other statistics and indicators if there is data for it. If a country is black, it means there was no water access data for it. Enjoy!

Proportion of Population with Basic Water Access

