
An in-depth, sorted by genre, look at movie revenues, budgets, run times and ratings over the last 100 years.

Stacked Area Chart: This stacked area chart provides a broad overview of revenue of different genres throughout the last 100 years. On hovering a portion of the chart, the name of the hovered genre will appear in the top left corner. Below, there is a brush that allows one you to choose a specific time frame to look at. Changing the brush on the stacked area chart will update all of the graphs, allowing you to look at specific years in many different contexts. The y axis represents the revenue and the x axis the year. Each color represents a different genre.
Pi Chart: Our pi chart visualizes each genre and the overall revenue for that genre based on your brush selection in the stacked area chart. On hover, you will see the revenue for that genre. On click, you will filter the lower bar chart based on the genre selected. Your selection is held until another pi-chart section is clicked. As the pi chart updates, the revenues will update and the sizing of the pi chart will change. Each color is a genre.
Bar Chart & Force Graph: This bar chart shows the relationship between the most popular movies of the brushed selection. It can also be filtered using the pi chart (for genre). There is a selection on the bottom which filters between Revenue, Budget, Runtime and Rating. Each different color of the bars represents a genre that that movie is categorized in. On-hover of the bars, a display in the top right will show the genre. On-hover of poster image, the name of the movie will appear below it. Lastly, click on the poster images. This will create a force-graph chart below. It holds Actor information. Links between actors relate to movies they have been in together. Thicker links means more movies and vice versa. As well, on-hover of an image of an actor will display their name, and the character they played in the selected movie.
