
Process Book

Visualizing potential UCLA graduate applicant's chance of admission.

Basic Info

The project title, your names, e-mail addresses, IDs, a link to the project repository.

Overview and Motivation

Discuss your motivations and reasons for choosing this project, especially any background or research interests that may have influenced your decision.

College admission statistics, including those for graduate schools are always of great interest and importance for young people who are aspiring for getting better education. We have all gone through numerous applications. Our portfolios have all gone through numerous admission committees. Even though an applicant could evaluate her or his potentials for admissions, for the most part the admission process is a black box that provides little feedback. Finding out what factors lead to admission is certainly an important research topic with practical impacts. It would be very helpful if one could look at past admission data and make an assessment before investing the energy, time and money on an application for a particular school. Sadly, most schools never disclose such data. For those that do, the data might not be intuitive to be understood, More importantly, it is difficult to understand how exactly the measurements for each of the metrics factor into the final admission decision. Thus, we are very excited to start this project to visualize admission data with the aim of building an intuitive representation of the data. We found a dataset from UCLA on Kaggle and we think it is a good start, especially given that there is such a scarcity of admission data and even less visualization with such data.

Project Objectives

Provide the primary questions you are trying to answer with your visualization. What would you like to learn and accomplish? List the benefits.

How to effectively visualize each factor’s contribution to the application process? With so many factors of consideration in the application process, it would be nice to be able to visualize each one of them clearly and effectively.




From where and how are you collecting your data? If appropriate, provide a link to your data sources. Source, scraping method, cleanup, etc.

We found our dataset on Kaggle. It is collected by a person named Mohan S Acharya, as part of his paper on a relevant topic [1].

[1] Mohan S Acharya, Asfia Armaan, Aneeta S Antony : A Comparison of Regression Models for Prediction of Graduate Admissions, IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Science 2019.

For our project we took the dataset and ran a multi variable regression in R and Python in order to extract the relevant factors for calculating applicants chance of admission. This can be found in the data section of the repository.

Data Processing

Do you expect to do substantial data cleanup? What quantities do you plan to derive from your data? How will data processing be implemented?

No, we do not expect to do substantial data cleanup. The dataset is very clean in the first place, nor is it particularly large. Data processing will likely be implemented with bash scripts or Python, or both.

Visualization Design

How will you display your data? Provide some general ideas that you have for the visualization design. Create three alternative designs for your visualization. Create one final design that incorporates the best of your three designs. Describe your designs and justify your choices of visual encodings. You use the Five Design Sheet Methodology.

College admission statistics, including those for graduate schools are always of great interest and importance for young people who are aspiring for getting better education. We have all gone through numerous applications. Our portfolios have all gone through numerous admission committees. Even though an applicant could evaluate her or his potentials for admissions, for the most part the admission process is a black box that provides little feedback. Finding out what factors lead to admission is certainly an important research topic with practical impacts. It would be very helpful if one could look at past admission data and make an assessment before investing the energy, time and money on an application for a particular school. Sadly, most schools never disclose such data. For those that do, the data might not be intuitive to be understood, More importantly, it is difficult to understand how exactly the measurements for each of the metrics factor into the final admission decision. Thus, we are very excited to start this project to visualize admission data with the aim of building an intuitive representation of the data. We found a dataset from UCLA on Kaggle and we think it is a good start, especially given that there is such a scarcity of admission data and even less visualization with such data.

Must-Have Features

List the features without which you would consider your project to be a failure.

Optional Features

List the features which you consider to be nice to have, but not critical.

Project Schedule

Make sure that you plan your work so that you can avoid a big rush right before the final project deadline, and delegate different modules and responsibilities among your team members. Write this in terms of weekly deadlines.

Weekly Deadlines (mondays)

Milestone 1 & 2 Changes and Updates

Milestone 1: In Milestone 1, user selection had been implemented, but the water tank display was not.

Milestone 2: In Milestone 2, the user selection is modified, the tables are reconstructed, and water tank is implemented.

Description: The left hand side is a panel where users could select an applicant's data to view. Every applicant, numbered by a serial number, represented by a circle. The color of the circle indicates the applicant's likelihood of being admitted to UCLA's graduate program. When a circle gets selected, it will change to a gold color and it will become larger. All the other circles that fall in the same class of likelihood are also highlighted. After that, users will ber able to see their selection's data, namely the values for each admission factor to populate the table. If the user is satisfied with the selection, the user could click the update button and the animation eill start in the panel to the right of the selection panel. Each factor , e.g. GRE, will be put on a balance, represented by a black ball proportional to its numeric value and the factor's weight in the admission process.It will be compared against the "standard" for that factor, which is calculated by taking the average of that factor among the applicants who are classified as being "highly likely" to be admitted. The animation will go through each factor and either pump water in or drain water out. For example, if the applicant's GRE score is higher than the "standard" GRE, water will be pumped.Otherwise, water will be drained. The amount of water being pumped or drained is proportional to the percentage difference and the factor's weight in admission. As you can see, GRE score is actually not so important in determining admission in our data. Eventually, if the water level in the tank is above the red line, it indicates that the applicant is highly likely to be admitted.

User Testing

In the two days between User Testing and Milestone 2, we completely restructured the project due to feedback on the site's intuitiveness.

Here are some screenshots of the updated visualization that we used for user tesing:

Our User Tasks:

Most of the feedback we got stated:

Post-Presentation Changes and Updates

After the in class presentation we recieved some feedback and made the changes as requested.


  1. The scope of the project is narrow for a 3-person team.
  2. Great color scheme and aesthetic. Maybe consider making it all in one page without having to scroll.
  3. I really like the aesthetic of the website, especially the form that you can use to calculate your chances.
  4. A lot of white space. Utilize it more!
  5. Add one more visualization?
  6. Very visually pleasing. However, it is unclear if this is for undergrad or grad school. the GRE field indicates grad school but I don't see it stated explicitly anywhere.
  7. Like they said in the presentation, would love to see more schools! And more transparency with how the scores are calculated.
  8. Great-looking visualization, simple but very effective. I think it could be made more obvious that you can edit the stats inside the boxes.
  9. If you manually change the chance of admittance, there's some weird behavior for some of the data points. I thought the visualization was awesome! The only thing I would change is to add more explanatory text that details a lot of the answers to the questions that were asked today. ie how the percentage was calculated.
  10. Could have explored more with website format, but otherwise great!
  11. The visualization on the first page could be bigger
  12. Honestly, really awesome graphics. It looks very clean
  13. very aesthetically pleasing, would like more variety

Takeaways: We fixed a lot of the minor bugs/recommendations made by our peers. This includes numbers: 4-11. This smaller set of tasks was addresesd after the presentation. However, what took the most time was working on the additional two visualizations that we decided to include due to feedback numbers 1 and 5. To be completely transparent, we did have a completely different project scope in the beginning that visualized the chance of admission, which took quite a long time to implement. However, unfortunately with our timeline and current level of skill we were not able to implement it in a completely intuitive way. The old project effort can be found here:

Here are some screenshots of final changes to the project:

Related Work

Anything that inspired you, such as a paper, a website, visualizations we discussed in class, etc.

There was not really any prior visualization or website that inspired our work. For this project we started by looking on Kaggle for interesting datasets, and when we stumbled upon the UCLA admissions dataset we just started brainstorming the best ways to utilize and visualize the dataset.


What questions are you trying to answer? How did these questions evolve throughout the project? What new questions did you consider in the course of your analysis?

We are most interested in giving applicants a better idea of seeing what kind of applicant the university has recieved as well as accepted. We hope that people interested in applying to UCLA graduate school will be able to come to this website and get a better idea of their likeliness of getting into the university and seeing what they are up against. In the course of our analysis we became interested in seeing which statistics had largest affect on chance of admission. From this idea, we then modified our visualization to accept user input and calculate their own respective chances of admission.

Exploratory Data Analysis

What visualizations did you use to look at your data initially? What insights did you gain? How did these insights inform your design?

If you look under the Milestone 2 tab on the process book, you can see the intial effort at creating a water tank visualization with a balance to show the most important factors in determining chance of admission. We found that the implementation was not very intuitive, so we had to make a lot of changes to simplify it in order to increase user understanding. A lot of time and code was put into building the intial watertank code and it did set us back a bit of time when it came to restructuring the entire visualization.

Design Evolution

What are the different visualizations you considered? Justify the design decisions you made using the perceptual and design principles you learned in the course. Did you deviate from your proposal?

Images detailing our visualizations growth is depicted in the upper part of the proces book. Most of the design choices made throughout the project was in favor of making the viz easy to understand and use for users. From the course we utilized our knowledge of d3, colorbliness awarenes, style layout, project flow and user journey, user testing practices and protocols, and overall ink to page visualization techniques. Beyond the major overhaul in between Milestone 2 and user testing, there we not many deviations in our proposal. Our overall goal never changed, however the way we accomplished it did. These changes are detailed under the Milestone 1 and 2, User Testing, and Post Presentation sections.


Describe the intent and functionality of the interactive visualizations you implemented. Provide clear and well-referenced images showing the critical design and interaction elements.

Our intent was purely to allow user to visualize their chances and the 2018 applicant pool's chances of getting into UCLA graduate school. On load, users are able to select an applicant and view that appliants chance of admission into UCLA.

From there, users can edit the stats to measure their own chances of getting into UCLA. Additionally, at the bottom of the page there are buttons for explaining the statistics to users who are unsure what each field means as well as a button to explain how the chance of admission is calculated with a regression.

Users can also see where each applicant falls in the range of other applicants in the pool.

Additionally, users can see the variation in the statistics spread for the 2018 applicant pool.


What did you learn about the data by using your visualizations? How did you answer your questions? How well does your visualization work, and how could you further improve it?

Using our visualization we learned about what factors are important to UCLAs graduate admissions office (i.e. CGPA and GRE - though this idea may not stem to other graduate instituites). We think our visualization works very well and is clear at communicating chance of admission to prospecitive applicants. For further improvement we would REALLY like to get our hands on other college datasets and create a more global product for displaying chances at getting into any graduate school.


The sources we used are also linked in our project

Many thanks/credit to the various sources we used in our project.

  1. Kaggle - Admissions Dataset
  2. Bootstrap v4 - Admission Website and Process Book Base CSS Structure
  3. liquidFillGauge - Water Gauge Visualization
  4. Bar Chart - Troubleshooting
  5. Bubble Chart - Troubleshooting

Peer Evaluations

After the in class presentation we recieved some feedback and made the changes as requested.

  1. Jordan Chisam's Reflection
    • Preparation: My teammates were always prepared for the set deadlines. If anyone ran into issues during development, they would be quick to let the rest of the team know so that deadlines would still be attainable. Moreover, my teammates were always willing to help takes a look other's code that was broken or performing weird.

    • Contribution: This is a first for me, but this is probably one of the few projects I have worked on at WashU were there was an equal amount of work spread, and everyone completed everything without a complaint. I honestly could not have asked for a better or more supportive team. Both Steven and Zhengliang always had excellent ideas and different perspectives to bring to the table that really helped make this project possible.

    • Respect of Others Ideas: I think everyone was fairly respectful of everyone's ideas. When we ran into a few issues after Milestone 2, I think our team came together an evaluated the best course of option for simplifying the user journey.

    • Flexibility: Again, everyone was very flexible with communication and finding times to complete their work. Despite the fact that we completed a lot of work remotely, we were still able to stay fairly close in sync and meet all of the deadlines. Shout out to Slack for helping us achieve that.

  2. Steven Harris's Reflection
    • Preparation: This team is by far one of the most well prepared teams that I have worked with in a very long time. Their knowledge of d3, javascript, and all things "web-based" was far superior to my own abilities but they were more than willing to help and make suggestions or criticism when or where needed. My teammates were sharp, on point, and ready to work.

    • Contribution: Our team is unique in that each one of us brings a fresh perspective to the project. Where I lack creativity, Zhengliang steps in with his wellspring of inspiration and creativity. If I am far too creative and going off the deep end, Jordan is very grounded, balanced, and poised. She gives our project a level of professionalism that not only looks good but makes the whole interface intuitive and easy to use.

    • Respect of Others Ideas: I don't think respect was ever an issue (IMHO). Our team is very democratic in that if there is an idea that one of us would like to pursue, just go ahead and build it! If it works, we all work together to incorporate it and if it doesn't, we pursue other means to make the project work, together. I am thankful to have a very mindful and open team.

    • Flexibility: Given the mindfulness of the team and their ability to remain open to suggestions, creative inspirations, and input, was only accomplished because of the underlying flexibility that our team has allowed for this project. I had an excellent team bar none.

  3. Zhengliang Liu's Reflection
    • Preparation: Jordan is prepared during group meetings. We typically meet during the class and whenever we meet, Jordan has something to say about the progress. I think she is well-prepared for each meeting and she does her work reasonably fast and willingly outside of the meetings. Steve was well-prepared for the project and he always had something to contribute during group meetings. Steven worked dedicatedly on the projects when he was able to and he was always up-to-date with our progress. He always had new ideas to contribute and was driven for the changes.

    • Contribution: Jordan contributed positively to the group discussion. She participated in coming up with the initial idea and she participated in each Slack and offline discussion about functionalities that we intend to include. She was the main designer and implementer of the overall layout. She also built the admission factor value table and the second version of the water gauge, which was eventually used to replace the first version of water gauge implemented by Zhengliang. She helped integrate the pieces of visualizations into the final website. She was also a main contributor to the process book. Steven implemented the force layout of circles, where users can select an applicant for more interactions. He also cleaned the dataset and performed the necessary statistical analysis to analyze the importances and influences of each factor among the factors of admission. He also implemented the bar chart for visualizing the position of an applicant within the applicant pool. These work helped build the foundation for Jordan and Zhengliang’s work. Steven also contributed to the process book and comments.

    • Respect of Others Ideas: Jordan did an absolutely good job in respecting others’ ideas. Not only does she encourages others to contribute, she also helps realize other members’ ideas by helping to incorporate stand-alone visualizations into the website. She is respectful and is willing to discuss and respond to others’ ideas. Steven was very respectful towards others’ ideas and was willing to help others to achieve their ideas. He helped shape the overall design of the website. For example, he provided the data in flexible formats so Jordan and Zhengliang’s water gauges could be implemented correctly and easily. He was also willing to contribute to the discussions started by others.

    • Flexibility: Jordan is very flexible when disagreement occurs. For example, we were once undetermined as whether we should use Zhengliang’s first water tank or Jordan’s second version.Even though we agreed that the second version was easier to be understood by users and hence to some extent better, Jordan was flexible to agree to the plan of developing two versions of the project and waited to see the users’ feedback to determine the final decision. There were many examples and Jordan was definitely very flexible. Steven was definitely flexible when disagreements occurred and he was always willing to set aside differences and tried to work out better plans. In fact, there weren’t many disagreements anyways. For example, he was willing to change his color schemes into color-blind friendly schemes.


This can also be found linked in the project

Design Sketch 1

I use a “balance” to weigh a factor (e.g., gpa = 3.74) against a pre-calculated “sufficient level” (e.g., “3.8”). The size of the ball represents the value of the factor (such as “3.74”). If the balance favors that ID (in this case 37) 's GPA,it drags the bar upwards toward the line marked as "admitted", otherwise it loosens it down to get closer to the line marked as "reject". Gradually, as we go through every factor (GPA, TOEFL, GRE, recommendation letter, etc.) it moves toward either rejection or admission. The strings between the balance and the purple bar acts as strings of control. The color of the objects are for pop-out effect only with no special meanings, for now. It is simple and intuitive but the largest problem is that. The key is, with this design it is harder to differentiate the different importance of two different factors (e.g., GPA v.s. GRE score) because every factor shares that “sufficient” marker and it is hard to differentiate the effects visually.


Design Sketch 2

This is a very rough sketch of a basic single page visualization that allows users to look at various graduate school applicant profiles. Each profile will show the variables that are taken into account during the graduate school admissions process. As the user clicks on a circle (representing an applicant profile), the page will move down and display a scatter plot with the selected user profile (highlighted and larger) compared with other user profiles (non-highlighted and smaller--to avoid clutter). On hover, the circles (profiles) will enlarge and show their respective variables.

The downside of this visualization is that it is not clear how certain variables affect chance of admission. Additionally, it may be a bit monotonous for the user to go back and forth from the top of the page to the bottom. Our final design should take these faults into account and make it clear which variables have stronger influence, in addition to making user interaction easy rather than tedious.


Design Sketch 3

Another alternative design was to use a bubble graph visualization. This would depicted all of the probabilities of admission in 10% ranges. The lower part of the visualization would be used for clusters of low chances of admission, while the higher part of the visualization would be used for higher chances of admission. The size of the bubbles would demonstrate the portion of applicants that fall into that range. Each bubble would contain various applicants that fell into the chance of acceptance rate represented. On hover (or click), the variables of (3) Another alternative design was to use a bubble graph visualization. This would depicted all of the probabilities of admission in 10% ranges. The lower part of the visualization would be used for clusters of low chances of admission, while the higher part of the visualization would be used for higher chances of admission. The size of the bubbles would demonstrate the portion of applicants that fall into that range. Each bubble would contain various applicants that fell into the chance of acceptance rate represented. On hover (or click), the variables of each application would be displayed in a tooltip. Ideally, this visualization would use color to separate the circles. Similar to Design Sketch 2, this visualization lacks the ability to properly demonstrate how each variable affects chance of admission.


Final Design Sketch

The final design is an improvement of the first design with the “balance” and the “hanging bar”. It uses a water tank instead. In the above example with GPA, if the balance favors ID 37’s GPA against a pre-calculated standard/”sufficient” level, it opens the gate of the water pump and let water in. Otherwise, it opens the gate of the water drain and drains some water out. Gradually, as we go through every factor (GPA, TOEFL, GRE, ,recommendation letter, etc.) the water level goes up and down and eventually if it goes beyond the “admitted marker” this ID is admitted, otherwise rejected. The main improvement from the “hanging bar” design is that with water tank you can fill different amount of water to compare the importance of different factors (GPA vs GRE, the more important the more water coming in) but with the “hanging bar” it is harder to do that. Also, potentially, as the water tank design is inherently slightly more complex it can later convey more information from the each run’s water feature (color, “wave”) for more information. It is more expandable and flexible.
