Swimming in Startups

A Virtual reality project where we seek to visualize how startups and venture capital firms are connected to each other. We are all computer science students who are interested in founding companies in the future, and created this visualization to see which venture capital firms have the most power, and see how connected startups are through these firms.

We discovered that some venture capital firms are huge, but other small ones also exist, and most companies are not connected to each other.

About the Visualization

This visualization utilizes virtual reality to show a user the network of startups and investment funds in the largest startup cities in the world. Leveraging Crunchbase's data from 2013, we display spherical nodes to represent startups and pyramids to represent investors. The size of each node correlates to the amount of funding it has received and the connections between the nodes show the capital flowing from funds to firms. The spheres/firms are colored based on the industry that they are in and when you hover over a sphere it displays the name of the firm.